
Kacper Ziemianin is an intrepid sound-explorer, circuit bender, improviser and hacker who has over the years been involved in black metal to electronica to ambient, noise and beyond. He is now based in The Hague, where he focuses on building his own instruments and interfaces and modifying existing ones, as well as interactive audio-visual installations. With his recent project LightSeq, a light-powered sequencer which uses physical blocks to represent musical processes and sets up new musical relationships based on their physical interdependence, he tries to answer the question “how can the audience relate to what the performer is doing? What makes the live electronic music really live?”. In Kacper’s case every visible action causes an audible reaction, so in a way ‘what you see is what you get’. By using various light sources he explores the possibilities of this instrument, which doesn’t try to imitate any existing model, but rather tries to create something new.